Polls They say the stats never lie! Place your polls here and discover whether your behaviour and opinions are mainstream or on the fringes of extreme perversion.
View Poll Results: Which China lady would you like to fuck 1st??
Girl 1
8861 ,
adachoi ,
alone-man ,
amx13sm1 ,
andrew101 ,
Anel King ,
antlau ,
apemcc ,
Bibibabiboo80 ,
BigBoobsBandit ,
bigman69 ,
blurangels ,
BooBGuY ,
bro_bear1977 ,
chickalan ,
chriz44 ,
cleanair ,
coolhikaru ,
cooltt ,
crick9271 ,
Current ,
cute4heart ,
cyber69_x69 ,
dckbsg ,
dejavu5 ,
delta_96 ,
dnae86 ,
doppelherz ,
Doran Gray ,
dreamerz ,
DreamMaster1985 ,
dubaiman ,
Findingouttruth ,
fl1ckerz ,
Fox1978 ,
freedom1984 ,
friendship ,
geeky ,
GodzeusAlmighty ,
goodboz1974 ,
grimreaper82 ,
Guardian_Monkey ,
hahaahahaa ,
hornyboy1234567 ,
Icheonster ,
jack chow ,
leojm ,
likesbigboobs ,
Littlechiboy ,
liverpool24 ,
llcn ,
lonely etoile ,
lumpy ,
Lupdia ,
man-003 ,
masala ,
michaelrocksam ,
mikechuan ,
Mikekee ,
mohawk30 ,
monktwh ,
morrissey1209 ,
mrkk05 ,
nicholassoong81 ,
ningcaichen ,
oahial ,
Onion ,
otts ,
pearlite ,
pohpiahboy ,
ProfessorOokami ,
pucca22346 ,
purecock ,
Realgoodguy ,
Red_Wine ,
RockyLam ,
RootI3eer ,
SH149 ,
shehatesme ,
sky lee ,
skyhong993 ,
smp_bojong ,
soccer_maniacr7 ,
sta1100 ,
stellaz ,
stevenaung ,
superdude ,
telesonic31 ,
testguy ,
thinkerpad ,
timeouttime ,
victore6338 ,
xiaomaomi ,
yellowkit ,
yewchai ,
yunno ,
Girl 2
今晚打老虎. ,
All The Way ,
ArchJet ,
BakerBoi ,
barons ,
baumbaum ,
bejor78 ,
bigbadbear ,
BiRd13 ,
blk437 ,
Blurt ,
crazyivan6636 ,
Crookster ,
dag5453 ,
darkkk ,
dickben ,
dkgg09 ,
drift ,
epsilon ,
eyeswideshut ,
fabkeane ,
Frontal ,
frozenicex ,
fun2nite ,
garryyel1 ,
gastro123 ,
GreenHorn55 ,
harou87 ,
heineken ,
hosaylah ,
hydragen ,
itchytesti ,
Jeremy668 ,
jimz ,
jollyjo ,
jollyshandy ,
keith ,
kesche86 ,
kmstore ,
konglong ,
Langni ,
laonene ,
lazyguy77 ,
lesmushmush ,
lowballer ,
mangoesteam ,
Meiji ,
mohan87 ,
mralteray ,
neverdoit ,
oohay_173 ,
passi0n ,
PurpleMonster ,
qq99 ,
Rain001 ,
rccc ,
red-perrier ,
Redevilboy ,
rexoanwong ,
rockfeller ,
sate ,
Sidra183 ,
Sith Lord ,
soicowboy ,
sony716 ,
Spaceshuttle ,
Stonewa11 ,
tetsuya87 ,
TheDriverGuy ,
TommyBoy5i ,
topcook1 ,
vader8847 ,
vhornypanda ,
virileblood ,
whiskyman ,
Xiaosimple ,
yangeugenebin ,
yinyin ,
zaibutzu ,
Girl 3
69wolverine ,
ad33 ,
aldof.hilter ,
ALVIN881 ,
argus ,
Asianguy ,
Azabukami ,
b7453t ,
beamrat ,
beefcurtain ,
bourner ,
briLLantfont ,
brkaway7 ,
bullseyez ,
chaindrv ,
cobratarget ,
cvbnm ,
d@redevil ,
deep6161 ,
dragonabout ,
dragon_1823 ,
drhyde79 ,
fit08 ,
Flame987 ,
Glock ,
Hexs1987 ,
hoho99 ,
hotbatang ,
ishouldnot ,
jjhanbro ,
justinlol ,
kazaf86 ,
leekl ,
leglovers ,
Lovely ,
love_sick7 ,
Miloong ,
mtang ,
old_turtle ,
Pilot Preceda ,
projectz ,
prostituter ,
pua1983 ,
razorsharp ,
rizzoc ,
rumborak ,
SegRoyal ,
ShaggyDog ,
spermspray ,
tendershoot1121 ,
webtelor ,
Girl 4
a380ao ,
Arnold66SG ,
Behn ,
Benjamin80 ,
biggyboy_87 ,
Bkkxcort ,
blakxtik ,
Charliesig ,
chef_kong ,
Delonx ,
devil81 ,
diabllo ,
Dragro ,
fleabag ,
gardet ,
hack3r ,
hitler ,
Howsi40 ,
jamez ,
jmindfreak ,
keeef ,
lamefreak ,
LauSai- ,
LionGuy ,
lizhen ,
longanhead ,
lqd83 ,
Mr.Big ,
nino1982 ,
nk7610 ,
parn_t ,
Paxi ,
pokerface9999 ,
sheng0306 ,
Slaver29125 ,
smellybelly ,
SmokyJoe ,
song_bo ,
TopFun Gun ,
uglykitten ,
Vanilla Ice ,
victor21 ,
wantmorefun84 ,
wats ,
whatissit ,
Girl 5
木头和尚敲木鱼 ,
archer1604 ,
Ashyboy ,
atangtan ,
Atime ,
benglian ,
bopen ,
Bzzz ,
Campus ,
changedman21 ,
chineselover ,
CumNsex ,
discreetme1981 ,
drassen ,
dunnodunno ,
Eagles ,
evilredx ,
farkadipa ,
firewater ,
Fraser007 ,
happyouting ,
hardcoremayhem ,
helpme7676 ,
ibiza79 ,
jdi813 ,
jimijamison ,
joe72 ,
jonlovemiao ,
juzjoin ,
kelvin_vyk ,
Kunpaen30 ,
luv2lick ,
maverick8969 ,
Mighty Night ,
Nanako ,
NewKidOnTheBloc ,
nissin ,
nomadSG ,
Peacock29 ,
pee_diddy ,
PhilUnderwood ,
poomani ,
putra77 ,
Redbu11 ,
Rookies ,
siaoehhh ,
silentdes ,
smoky7 ,
snuggles ,
spratys ,
tokiedayuji ,
vanlorry ,
wishy51 ,
xcess ,
xiaoyanzi ,
Yasuoka Domoto ,
zai_milk ,
Girl 6
14animal ,
2124 ,
3838438 ,
ahweii ,
Aier ,
aircon ,
airuvy ,
alvin00 ,
alvintlz ,
andy31 ,
angelous ,
Apalagi ,
baba00785 ,
bbin ,
beastimus ,
big fatty ,
Bird77 ,
BoO! ,
Calvin ,
castle ,
chessepie ,
chivas82 ,
Coffeepot12 ,
cooler07 ,
cowman888 ,
ctl90 ,
Danny89 ,
decibel8808 ,
Dhornyboy ,
dicke ,
dj_kid ,
Don28 ,
edchuath ,
expunged19 ,
fapfapfap ,
Fatboy39 ,
FBDfkingBIGdick ,
flanker73 ,
GLHunter ,
GreenHorny ,
havana ,
hell4lif ,
hoA123 ,
hornyboiz ,
hosayboh ,
hotmann ,
icy86 ,
iose ,
Iron55 ,
jamespio ,
jonwk711 ,
K1975 ,
Khun_Thai_Jedi ,
kopitiam88 ,
lallen ,
lonely_12kev ,
longjohn7" ,
lovehunter ,
luckyboii80 ,
lunny ,
mackie ,
maleslavesg ,
markck ,
maxim24 ,
mclovin ,
micstep ,
Mintboi ,
mrdavid ,
n733 ,
n8250 ,
nay123 ,
NeoBoi ,
Ngengheng ,
Ookt ,
over18 ,
passe ,
pinkfish ,
pipi86 ,
poker5566 ,
polleney ,
pompow8 ,
potato1708 ,
Prince_Dracu ,
putneyspa ,
Quagsire ,
qweqwe85 ,
razer123 ,
redskinner ,
s10002725 ,
scrazy ,
sexprofessor ,
shana ,
signalz ,
sinddd ,
sky_123 ,
SMLC84 ,
spaceshuttle2 ,
SunRayys ,
surecan ,
t.altis ,
t3h1337n00b ,
tigerwoods888 ,
tobbic ,
tommy1972 ,
trixera ,
tshgas ,
turbo99 ,
vindicated ,
wanna69luv ,
wjtan05 ,
xiaonic ,
XSaint ,
yagami90 ,
Youngnlonely ,
Girl 7
20 sticks ,
33335 ,
69kmph ,
adamll ,
agoodfellahk ,
baseline ,
bear1074 ,
BigBoy2 ,
boringnerd ,
BossQ ,
california ,
cc888 ,
chemy ,
cocky1234 ,
crazyhorse99 ,
cuntfook ,
decibel ,
deelite825 ,
dubberinc ,
Dynamicswall ,
feelhard ,
fiestabob ,
fliper2006 ,
forgetful ,
freakorades ,
freeman_c ,
Genghis Khan ,
greenmind ,
gsk721g ,
hairy_abalone ,
henkitoo ,
hidaeki ,
hijikata ,
hm4455 ,
Hornymoo ,
horsepoet ,
hsc7736 ,
ilfl ,
ilvoelv ,
im098 ,
jags5643 ,
jag_jj ,
jf159000 ,
junkie72 ,
justme69 ,
karenanan ,
kejon ,
kendory ,
Killforsex ,
layya ,
lexus69 ,
lionking200365 ,
logiteck ,
luvmerchine ,
macarone ,
mantroy87 ,
master bate ,
meodows92 ,
morinfen ,
mukatisu ,
n2supersymmetry ,
nacho ,
newbird12345678 ,
Novice69 ,
nozila ,
ntlpets ,
panty ,
pasteurisedmilk ,
phongvt18 ,
ping2999 ,
Qwer18 ,
ranger22 ,
reca ,
RemyLebouef ,
revdev ,
runlight ,
saltyOman ,
sam30sg ,
sam72 ,
samm098 ,
sammysex ,
scarecrow ,
SG Obama ,
Skoolingz ,
specific ,
superman67 ,
tacobell ,
tamagong ,
tantricguy80 ,
tiger2009 ,
tigerboy18 ,
tikokosan ,
tomben79 ,
Toyota Honda ,
upskirtlegs ,
Valentino1818 ,
weert ,
Girl 8
17883 ,
abu_2600 ,
addict981 ,
Ahboy12 ,
Ahboyz ,
ahead ,
ahkang ,
akan88 ,
akuma6969 ,
alancheng ,
Allanooi ,
allansis ,
alloyz ,
alvinchang ,
ancientlegion ,
Andrewtlc39 ,
andyang1970 ,
andyown ,
anecdote ,
angurvadal ,
anonymity6731 ,
aO3Dre ,
astone ,
austin7 ,
Azumaboy ,
bababoo ,
bearish1 ,
benedict888 ,
bigen ,
binbin81 ,
Blacknight85 ,
blacky123444 ,
BlueRexMan ,
bohosei ,
bolsalim ,
bomb25 ,
boogie ,
BrokenWave ,
BscBMD997 ,
BulleYe ,
caike89 ,
cashcow ,
Casir ,
Cblader ,
chickenking ,
chrismichael ,
ckchien ,
clarence9 ,
colafantasy ,
commando23 ,
Consperm ,
corean ,
crazydick88 ,
cu2039 ,
curiouslooker ,
cvsuck3 ,
daniely4 ,
Dark4343 ,
darren12356 ,
delpiero7 ,
desa7 ,
devilcom ,
Dick Trainee ,
DivineRapist ,
dontnoe ,
doubledutch ,
drew22 ,
dukun ,
Ecuader ,
edwin58yock ,
elflord ,
evilshadow ,
evo5891 ,
exustar ,
fiddler3343 ,
fieryslasher ,
fish128 ,
flowerpot ,
fly76 ,
forgetmenot ,
freeman9999 ,
fujima ,
funnyfun ,
Giggy ,
GT_81 ,
guynakal ,
halo1988 ,
halsurfer ,
Hardaway1818 ,
hardjack81 ,
hcchong ,
heller ,
hentaiboy ,
hitech ,
HorneyImp ,
HornyAurora ,
Hot&Spicy ,
Hotspotxxxxx ,
I Love Boobs ,
Ifonlyfor2night ,
illusion_6969 ,
indig0 ,
Innovade ,
inthebigfish ,
jackliewliew ,
james6168 ,
japlover14 ,
jassergck ,
jc_2707 ,
jgilles ,
jimm tan ,
joeltan123 ,
johnmexxie ,
johnny_t ,
johnpond ,
johnz ,
jp288911 ,
justdatsimple04 ,
kenlow ,
kenshin21 ,
kevin3505 ,
kiasuking ,
kiddodude ,
KingRay ,
kitari ,
kitts1000 ,
kkspore ,
kuekster ,
kysm ,
lanbb ,
leeml69 ,
letsrocktoday ,
lexus3rx ,
Ling Kenji ,
lionman ,
Lonester ,
longjohn08 ,
love76 ,
Luigi ,
lw0u3109 ,
Macktan ,
macrick ,
madness88 ,
Manofwar ,
marcyjonathan ,
markomarko ,
martianhunter ,
masterofunvi ,
mattysong ,
Maxpriest ,
mclovin_boy ,
mikec138 ,
mocxi ,
mwarsa ,
my23 ,
MyStoosh ,
nanakoko ,
Nasty12 ,
nelson_c ,
Ninjaron ,
Nitestarz ,
nivlactry ,
notti88 ,
novus733 ,
nukeListener12 ,
nxe1978 ,
okokman ,
opqwopqw ,
OysterLover ,
Passat-CC ,
pat8088 ,
peaconnut ,
pearlnjewel ,
Penislol ,
Peter Ong ,
peterfoxtrot102 ,
Pisarenko ,
pornnoob ,
qwerty08 ,
qwerty61 ,
ranger21 ,
realtoyboy ,
redindeer ,
Regirock ,
requiemk ,
Rockin' Rabbit ,
ronaldo89 ,
sageking76 ,
samba ,
Sammyjoe ,
samsam33 ,
SBear ,
sbuster72 ,
SC7176 ,
scharfschutze ,
see see only ,
SeekingLoveV ,
selltabo ,
sexy duckie ,
shawnieboy ,
ShikiFuujin ,
Shorty75 ,
simei91 ,
Singaporelookin ,
Skee ,
skirtchaser639 ,
skyscrape ,
skyy ,
slayerxdx ,
snuggle ,
song881881 ,
Songsongg ,
spirits212 ,
stilomilo ,
stuss ,
submarinez ,
superman ,
sytloverr ,
teebs_darklord ,
therapist ,
thomas999 ,
tifene ,
tkch ,
Traveller13 ,
tsuna7 ,
unfit ,
valve123 ,
vanityandwax ,
veins ,
vincent1981 ,
w00ters ,
walesno11 ,
warzone ,
watchonly ,
waterbottle99 ,
wchink ,
wencue2 ,
whiteyBlack ,
whyte ,
wildrabbit ,
wohaha96 ,
wtf_haha ,
xiaohero ,
xinshi55 ,
XSuperX ,
xzcer ,
yoichi ,
younggun24 ,
yozxiang ,
zapbait ,
zico15 ,
All times are GMT +8. The time now is 11:28 PM .