View Full Version : herpes curable

07-12-2002, 06:51 PM
yep, common news to some, but most still blur blur like sotong

anyway, forgot where I read it, too many newspaper in a day

but the point was they found a cure for herpes, even dangerous and painful type 2 one

well well, after aids and herpes gone, and gonnorhea is not that frightening (if found out early, and its easy to spot) ... whats left next is syphillis (this one is still incurable)

brr yep the scary syphillis that might have caused the death of the Sun King (Emperor Louis XIV of France) and 1 of the Emperor of Chine before Pu Yi, the son of Empress Dowager (Emperor Dao Guang?) which died as a teenager cause they will never accept the reason that a dragon's body can be harmed by such a lowly disease hehe

oooh yeah, now herpes is gone and I'll probably come out from my retirement soon (herpes was the cause of my fright, as its too easily transmittable)

nobody is safe,


08-12-2002, 01:08 PM
Was searching the net for information on the cure, can't seem to find any. Most sites just say there's something for controlling outbreaks...

When did you see the paper? Thinking it may be so new thus most sites are not putting this information up yet, or the cure is still under clinical trial.

By the way, Syphillis is actually curable because it's a bacterial infection (bacterial is larger than virus i.e. herpes, HIV) thus the current anti-biotics like penicillin can be used to kill Syphillis bacteria. Although anti-biotics can cure Syphllis but it can't reverse the damage Syphllis has already done. Thus it's wise to go for test regularly and once found, get treated immediately before any damage is done.

08-12-2002, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by KentCave
after aids and herpes gone

You sure they have a cure for AIDS?

09-12-2002, 09:26 AM
Cannot be :o

09-12-2002, 12:04 PM
You are wrong on 2 counts: herpes is still not curable and syphillis
is entirely treatable (barring new drug-resistant strains)

Let me preface this by saying that I'm not a medical professional and nothing I say should be taken as a substitute for your physician's advice. But like every responsible hobbyist here, I do keep abreast of the risks of commercial sex.

Herpes is not still not curable. What you read was about was a possible vaccine for herpes. However it's still in early trials (Stage 1 FDA I believe) which means it's still a ways away from the market and reports are that it does not work as well (read: does not work) with men. They still do not know why. This is still encouraging news for men though: if women do not get infected, they will not pass it on to men. The downstream effect will take a long time to be felt though.

The danger is still very much there. Condoms help as an ameliorating factor but herpes is spread primarily through shedding and the condom does not cover everything.

Herpes outbreaks are controllable: I have close friends with herpes (genital) and drugs like Valtrex do a lot with outbreak suppression. But once you get it, you're stuck with it.

Likewise for HIV, a cure is a long way off. Vaccination is difficult with the many strains proliferating and the damned thing is highly adaptable and mutates every so often.

Be safe.


11-12-2002, 02:45 AM
more info, been searching far n wide, even ask frens went to clinic above John Little opposite Centrepoint to source out info as they r the one with herpes

newsflash - the company is GlaxoSmithKline, the magazine is Times, its herpes simplex virus type 2 or herpes genitalis, a vaccine, yes

1 in 5 american have it, either through sexual contact or passed down since birth by the mothers

was approved on 18-24 Nov on world international week for herpes by WHO, doctor's presciption only or so they say, but I bet can be bought freely as its not going to be labelled poison

heck, contraceptives, the pill taken orally one was too cheap!!!

syphillis still incurable they say, maybe wrong info, but I prefer to trust pharmacist, but we might all be wrong anyway, they r saying the treatment will suppres the bacteria as u said, but when its cold it will come back again

as for the old aids news, just go to pharmacies, hmm perhaps we do need doctor's prescription for it in singapore, but make sure to grab the american version and not the cheap china version

it was found from herbs in the island of borneo of indonesia, those qualities that can forced the hiv virus to hibernate or such

end of endless rumblings for the day
can be taken orally or spit it out again
your choice, nothing harm done
all just for fun


wearing airtight biosuit,