View Full Version : HIV+ but got work permit

30-01-2019, 07:50 PM
Under what situation that a foreigner with HIV+ is allowed to work here?

How talented are they to be allowed this? Maybe we need to ask this question.

Actually dont need. We just need to see the list n find out out how they are allowed to work in sg with HIV+

03-02-2019, 06:08 PM
One of LNY 2019 HKG movie "Integrity". ICAC dare not move into cybersecurity sort of what happen in this red dot. Sing health data leaks. No one done this to show off he is the best IT experts. Rather there are buyers.

Alot of Malaysians love to say and, I code "this country has many lope holes". I wonder is that truth? Will voters remember the VIPs has failed this country? We are moving into GE.

Happy new year & may the year of the Pig gave us the wisdoms to vote the right people. People who solve problems not create apps.