View Full Version : Ye Lai Xiang and Tian Shang Ren Jian (Sentosa)

31-05-2007, 04:45 AM
Hi Samsters across the causeway,

I was having supper at JB Sentosa few days back and came across 2 Night Clubs there. My friends and I are interested in cheonging there but just like to hear some feedback in terms of facilities, girls and damage for 夜来香 and 天上人间.

Hope to hear about your experiences at these places. :)

31-05-2007, 12:01 PM
Hi Samsters across the causeway,

I was having supper at JB Sentosa few days back and came across 2 Night Clubs there. My friends and I are interested in cheonging there but just like to hear some feedback in terms of facilities, girls and damage for 夜来香 and 天上人间.

Hope to hear about your experiences at these places.

If your friends are interested, then why not u check it out yourselves and let us know :confused: :cool:

18-06-2007, 01:30 AM
If your friends are interested, then why not u check it out yourselves and let us know :confused:

Any FR on the above 2 places? :p

08-07-2007, 07:23 PM
Hi Samsters across the causeway,

I was having supper at JB Sentosa few days back and came across 2 Night Clubs there. My friends and I are interested in cheonging there but just like to hear some feedback in terms of facilities, girls and damage for 夜来香 and 天上人间.

Hope to hear about your experiences at these places. :)


Platinum ( YE LAI XIANG) I know la, but never aware JB got Tian Shang Ren Jian leh.

Any how here is a brief description on Platinum,

> A huge night club with at least 40 rooms & a dance hall.
> Beer cost RM 180++ per round ( 3 jugs ) in room
> Girls all locals. Butterfly = RM 50 , Booking = RM 300 ( Most of them come after 10pm)
Heard this joint sometimes open up to 5-6am.

For your info, JB's biggest ever raid on clubs was conducted on this joint in year 2005.

09-07-2007, 01:21 PM
I frequent Ye Lai Xiang as I know one of the mummy there. The place are all locals but you will have to fish them. Not that easy to fish though. They locals will not go out with you but if you want gals that can go out, you have to inform the mummys there and they will order for you.....