View Full Version : (Looking for) SPA with Russians

10-02-2017, 11:25 AM
So I have been researching all over and still can't figure out which spa is closed down or open.

Was wondering if any bros can recommend us a good spa with good ladies / service.

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12-03-2017, 05:11 PM
So I have been researching all over and still can't figure out which spa is closed down or open.

Was wondering if any bros can recommend us a good spa with good ladies / service.

Please state in this format please
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The only joint which had Russians was Skyriver but havent seen any for a while. If you want Russians in KL may need to go for incall from internet based OKT. Be warned - premium price with possible bait and switch. Attitude and service may be an issue as well.

26-04-2017, 11:19 AM
Saw Russians at Nouvelle Spa

29-04-2017, 03:11 PM
Saw Russians at Nouvelle Spa

so what would the russion doing there.