View Full Version : Abortion
23-07-2005, 01:27 AM
Hiya folks.
sorry if my virgin post is non-contributing to SB, but rather to seek enlightenment. my apologises.
reaon being me have been having regular weekly sexisfaction wif gf... so not much of a need to patronise WLs or FLs.
however, juz nw while having a session wif my gf, the damn condom broke (dun ever trust durex featherlite). i had earlier executed the first shot and all when well (no condom mishap). so me replace condom to commence 2nd round of live firing....while doing doggie, condom broke halfway. although 2nd shot was not executed, but didi was hard, and i believe semen (from 1st shot) was in the didi's passage. so both of us are preparing for the worst.
so juz wondering do most hospitals carry abortion operations?
23-07-2005, 09:47 AM
abortion is still too early. just go doctor for a pill after and it should solve the job. Must take within 24 hours. Quick quick to the doctor now.
I always keep spare at home although must not take frequent. Not advisable.
23-07-2005, 09:48 AM
I think as long as both of you are above 16 or 18 can't remember. You can go to a gynae to have the abortion done. But bear in mind do it the moment you confirm she's pregnant. Do not wait too long as complication will set in.
Just my thought. If both of you are not ready for the baby, go for the abortion, don't be hero and keep the baby. In the long run when both of you decided to go separate ways, the baby is the one suffering.
so juz wondering do most hospitals carry abortion operations?if it happened less than a day ago, get your gf to see a GP and tell him that the condom broke and you need the morning after pill.
Otherwise, wait up to 6 weeks, see if her period shows up or not. If it doesn't, go to any pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test kit.
If that shows positive for pregnancy, then either see the doc in a polyclinic for a referral to KKH (the cheapest way) or see a private gynaecologist in any hospital (you can ask your GP for a referral or ask your friends for suggestions).
23-07-2005, 11:25 AM
Won't be so lucky lah....there are many pple outside that wanted a baby but still could'nt after rounds and rounds of intented raw bonking......
btw, it also depends on the menstual cycle of your gf.....
u can read more at these thread :
24-07-2005, 01:42 AM
hey guys thanks for the valuable info...
no problem abt her age... 24yrs..... actually we are very much in love... and planning to start a family in a couple years.
the problem is that her parents will kill her if we shot-gun marriage. she oso will be embarrassed in front of her frens... moreover, we are still not ready to have kids. it will be too rush, even though we plan to marry soon.
we have thought of taking pills (morning-after) as preventive measures. but she is afraid of the side effects that may affect her future child-bearing. heard that such pills will reduce the chances of future pregnancies.
so we decide for abortion.... and pray that it will not have adverse side effects for the future.
24-07-2005, 11:31 AM
Hi bro, abortion has a greater side effects than morning after pills. I've got a fren who went for an abortion & have difficulty getting conceive after that.
I've got frens who took morning after pills before but now a happy mother of a few kids.
My advice is dun delay, see a doc now...
Dear Bro iamken,
If nothing comes out from this whole affair, then it's fine. However, should your gf be pregnant, abortion is the worst thing to embark on. From a Buddhist perspective, there are many consciousness, that have karmic linkage to both you and your girl friend, lurking around or coming into the presence when both of you are having sex. Now, in the event of the fruition of that linkage (meaning confirmed pregnancy), that consciousness (called intermediate beings or beings from the bardo) will die of shock (that's another long story) and take rebirth as the foetus in your girl friend's womb. IF,you guys want to abort it, it's as good as murder. The chances of having a precious human rebirth is EXTREMELY LOW. That being you destroy will be so buay kam guan that it cling on with anger and remain as a hungry ghost to haunt your girl friend (not neccessary true, depending the interplay of other karmic factors of that sentient being and both of you, but the probability is very high).
If you marry this girl friend, and have kids in the future, that small baby hungry ghost will be around to haunt and disturb his/her living brothers and/or sisters. It would be very angry with you guys for depriving it the chance to take rebirth as a Human (who wouldn't be angry!). It would be jealous of its brothers and sisters who are allowed to live.
If your girl friend does not become your wife in the future, the being will still haunt her and her future kids with another guy. That would be VERY irresponsible from your side, wouldn't it?
Just my humble opinion. Pray that she's not pregnant.
The Punisher
24-07-2005, 02:34 PM
Hiya folks.
sorry if my virgin post is non-contributing to SB, but rather to seek enlightenment. my apologises.
reaon being me have been having regular weekly sexisfaction wif gf... so not much of a need to patronise WLs or FLs.
so both of us are preparing for the worst.
so juz wondering do most hospitals carry abortion operations?
bro, i'm am really apalled at the way you are thinking, or rather they way you "prepare" for what you call the "worst".
it's not about religion but the simple fact that while you know how to "enjoy" and the result of your enjoyment, whether intentional or unitentional, is a "life", you already have the mindset calling this "life the "worst" and already planning to murder this innocent unborned and then "pray that there will be no future adverse side effects"
your girlfriend is 24 yrs old, so i guess you must be older. i suggest both of you stand in front of the mirror and reflect on yourselves on the way you are thinking. need i say more?
24-07-2005, 02:47 PM
I think as long as both of you are above 16 or 18 can't remember. You can go to a gynae to have the abortion done. But bear in mind do it the moment you confirm she's pregnant. Do not wait too long as complication will set in.
Just my thought. If both of you are not ready for the baby, go for the abortion, don't be hero and keep the baby. In the long run when both of you decided to go separate ways, the baby is the one suffering.
Agreed, don't get married becos of baby and +++ that in long run u guys will have a happy ending. before u success, the nos. of stuff u have start missing in life and the baby will kill u off!!! :eek:
get married for the sake of settling down and enjoy the family life instead of been force. know what i mean??
now stil have hope, go to the clinic and ask for advice, think u stil have time. :)
24-07-2005, 03:21 PM
Go see a doctor immediately for a 'morning after pill' bro. I read b4 it is best taken 24 hrs within but may still work. Think I read after 24 hrs still can but the faster one eat the better the effect.
Kindly consult a doctor pls. Abortion is not the way out. :(
I will suggest the contraceptive patch and pills if u wish to avoid such accidents in future. However, these contraceptive thingy actually sort of do something to the hormones of the user so I would advise u consult a doctor.
Cause I read about reports of woman in USA who died after using the patches. :(
Don't crop to yourself or u will go crazy, ask the advice of some one who can help u.
24-07-2005, 11:14 PM
... and already planning to murder this innocent unborned ...
The way your logic goes bro, nobody should take antibiotics cos they will be killing innocent bacteria :p
Lets get a few things straight...
1. In the first month of pregnancy, the "innocent unborn" is composed of a clump of endothelium, mesothelial pluripotent stem cells and extraembryonic tissue. There is not a SINGLE nerve cell in that clump of cells (nerve cells form out of invagination of a portion of epithelium called neural plate - at this stage, even the epithelium has still not differentiated from the mesothelium). Without a brain, it is not a sentient being, and the concept of "innocent" does not apply to a clump of cells.
2. A large number of conceptions are aborted naturally during the first 4 weeks of conception. In most cases, it goes undetected. So, an artificial abortion is just doctors performing what nature does routinely.
3. The word "murder" applies to the killing of a human being. Removal of a brainless clump of cells cannot be considered murder - otherwise, all oncologists (cancer surgeons) will be behind bars.
4. This clump of cells has the potential to grow in to a human being. That I agree. But it grows inside the body of another human being. And that human being has the right to decide what is good for her. It's her body, her life...
5. In medical and legal terms, a foetus is not considered to be a living human being until after 24 weeks of pregnancy (28 weeks in some countries). So there is no question of "murder" here.
This bro and his gf are just starting their lives. Should they have a baby, at the cost of their career, education etc and fall in to the vicious cycle of poverty with no escape, or should they opt for an abortion, and have kids when they have established themselves in their lives and are in a better position to care for the kids?
I believe the choice should be theirs... after all, it's their life.
So please, bro, don't burden their young lives with guilt complexes by accusing them of "murdering innocent unborn". If it had happened to you, would you have chosen a life of hardship, mediocrity and poverty just to prove a point? It's easy to pontificate when we don't have to carry that burden.
I'm sure a lot of the religious fanatics out there will start zapping me for this post, but I just dont care.
Dear Bro thefirstname,
I beg to differ. No doubt that bacteria are sentient beings, but there's such a thing as, in Buddhist terminology, Heaviness of the Object. There's a difference between a human rebirth and that of an animal one (bacteria is in
this category); the former has extremely higher value than the latter. The human rebirth has the potential to attain Enlightenment even in one lifetime (depending on the type of practice one embark on). Now, where is the compassion for the bacteria, you may ask? Well, there's two possible way of handling this issue. The Hinayana (those who go all out of self liberation), then the course of action to take is to avoid harming at all cost. As for the Mahayana (those who aspire to go out for Enlightenment for the benefits of all sentient beings), they would think that they cannot even save themselves, so how can he save others unless they attain Enlightenment as quickly as possible. These people would take the anti-biotic with the aim of keeping their body alive and free of sickness so that they can continue to practise deligently the Buddha Dharma. They are all ready to take responsibility for killing all these bacteria. They view this action create future linkage to come back to lead them (these bacteria) to Enlightenment.
1. In the first month of pregnancy, the "innocent unborn" is composed of a clump of endothelium, mesothelial pluripotent stem cells and extraembryonic tissue. There is not a SINGLE nerve cell in that clump of cells (nerve cells form out of invagination of a portion of epithelium called neural plate - at this stage, even the epithelium has still not differentiated from the mesothelium). Without a brain, it is not a sentient being, and the concept of "innocent" does not apply to a clump of cells.
There is no pervasion here. Like most scientists, their view of everything builds around matter and matter only. Strangely, what qualify as sentient beings and what not depends on the situation (that suits them). If the study of conciousness is put to the back burner there's no way to discuss any further. However, I'm interested to know if you believe, in the first place, that a consciousness is actually entering the foetus and the reason for the time table of 24 or 28 weeks the entrance of the consciousness. The legal and medical terms you mention are built on the understanding of matterial world only, therefore how can it address the metaphysical one.
This bro and his gf are just starting their lives. Should they have a baby, at the cost of their career, education etc and fall in to the vicious cycle of poverty with no escape, or should they opt for an abortion, and have kids when they have established themselves in their lives and are in a better position to care for the kids?
Based on only the understanding of the material world, and the lack of the metaphysical one, you dare to advise these two person to think of their "presence", I'm appalled! What if there is a consciousness entering the clump of cells at point of fruition? Can you guarantee them? I, for one, would take the path that take on the responsibility for my own action; I urge the couple concerned to consider too.
Best wishes,
The Punisher
25-07-2005, 11:59 AM
The way your logic goes bro, nobody should take antibiotics cos they will be killing innocent bacteria :p
Lets get a few things straight...
1. In the first month of pregnancy, the "innocent unborn" is composed of a clump of endothelium, mesothelial pluripotent stem cells and extraembryonic tissue. There is not a SINGLE nerve cell in that clump of cells (nerve cells form out of invagination of a portion of epithelium called neural plate - at this stage, even the epithelium has still not differentiated from the mesothelium). Without a brain, it is not a sentient being, and the concept of "innocent" does not apply to a clump of cells.
2. A large number of conceptions are aborted naturally during the first 4 weeks of conception. In most cases, it goes undetected. So, an artificial abortion is just doctors performing what nature does routinely.
I'm sure a lot of the religious fanatics out there will start zapping me for this post, but I just dont care.
so you are one of those who will agree that the case of the "brain dead" lady in the US whereby the husband fights in court to stop feeding so as to let her die?
well, i'm with the parents who believes that she has the right to live and keep on trying out all ways to maybe help her regain back life, even if it take a miracle.
everyone eventually dies naturally,... so there should not be any laws against suicides since those that commit suicides are only performing what nature does routinely?
you have your point of view, i have mine. and BTW, i've already been zapped for my post, (most probably by you?)
This is not the place to discuss the rights and wrongs of abortions. Let the couple decide what they have to do... all the information has already been provided, how they choose to live their life is really their business.
25-07-2005, 12:16 PM
Hiya folks.
sorry if my virgin post is non-contributing to SB, but rather to seek enlightenment. my apologises.
Being a newbie doesnt warrant u a chance not to do a check-up on previous postings. I trust going through the database will be more worthwhile and less time wastage.
For more info, please refer to bro fun4evergood's previous post in this thread.
25-07-2005, 09:43 PM
Dear all,
very very grateful that SB-ers bothered to take time out to offer suggestions, facts, advices, and some reprimanding.
I am also sorry to cause some conflicts among you guys because of differing views.
I have tried to persuade her to see a doc asap to ascertain pregnancy status, so that the earlier we know, the more options are available for us to choose. But she refuses... and wants to monitor her period that is due by this weekend. Ultimately, it will be abortion (it was she who suggest) once confirmed (be it by pills or surgically).... by then the foteus will be only abt 1 week old. So I hope all goes well during abortion. We do want to have babies in future. So please trust me, we wouldn't want to do it too.
I am thankful that some of u brothers understand my situation that an un-planned baby will ruin our plans. If we are to keep the baby, everything will be fast forward... I don't think there will be happiness when all plans go hey-wired.
Thus, for us, is to salvage the present situation. Once things are settled, we will re-think what went wrong... calmed down abit... and hope to start where we dropped off to work towards our marriage plan. It is a case where a dying young man needs money for a life-or-death surgery. He used up his medisave, and request to use ordinary account. But govt say "NO", you cannot touch that $... it is mean for your old age. How is he going to spend that $, if he can't pull thru this???
I am sure there are some samsters out there not agreeing with me. But I still thank them for the concern. Like I said, at least they bother to spend time lecturing me.
Meanwhile I shall wait for the results this weekend.
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