View Full Version : Emotional Advice...Pls help

10-07-2005, 09:28 PM
Hi bros..

Recently I went to bangkok and had sex with a lady at those massage parlours. My kakis that brought me there insisted on 'educating' cos I was technically still a virgin (only had BJs from my ex-gfs so far).

I bonked with a condom...but the after-thoughts of contracting HIV/STDs are really tommenting. From what I have read so far from SBF and other websites, it seems that I need to wait at least 3-6 mths in order to get definitive results.

Hiaz...really feel horrible now. Dunno if got kenna...and even if wan to take test..have to wait for mths. Bros...pls advise me on how to deal wif this emotionally tormenting issue. :(

10-07-2005, 09:39 PM
Hi bros..

Recently I went to bangkok and had sex with a lady at those massage parlours. My kakis that brought me there insisted on 'educating' cos I was technically still a virgin (only had BJs from my ex-gfs so far).

I bonked with a condom...but the after-thoughts of contracting HIV/STDs are really tommenting. From what I have read so far from SBF and other websites, it seems that I need to wait at least 3-6 mths in order to get definitive results.

Hiaz...really feel horrible now. Dunno if got kenna...and even if wan to take test..have to wait for mths. Bros...pls advise me on how to deal wif this emotionally tormenting issue. :(

Rest assured. Chanced is very slim if you wear your protection correctly. Nothing much you can do beside gg for a blood test after at least 6 wks. Take care.

10-07-2005, 10:16 PM
Hi bro,

I can emphatise with your mental torment right now. It is indeed very 'draining' and difficult. Listen to me. You need to put the whole thing into perspective or you will fall apart mentally. You are experiencing a LOT of irrational fear due to doing something new and what the society as a whole term it as 'BAD'. We know that the risk is there but not as bad as we think. On a probability scale, vaginal penetration without condom with a HIV positive gal has at most 0.5% risk. Repeated exposure (let's say 10 times) with HIV positive gal without condom will swing the risk to 7-10 % !!! (it is not a proportional increase, Data obtained from CDC and AEGIS website).

If you practise safe sex, your risk is basically near to zero (less than 0.1 %). And this will also answer why not all pros and WL is HIV positive. If everyone kena HIV at the first exposure, all pros will have been HIV positive. EVen in countries where condom is not used often, and hygiene is poor like Vietnam, Cambodia, the rate of infection of pros is not 100%. (actual number is about 30% to 35% at most).

brother, I know your fear and worry. I have been through this stage before, especially if you are the first time having sex with pros or WL. I go for test every 3 months, either in Malaysia or Kelantan lane. Information and more information is what you need now. You can go for a test one month after exposure for a HIV test and then go for a re-test at 3 and 6 months. I am not trying to make you think that you are okay and have the misconception that it will not happen. Basicaaly, I want you to have more information so that you do not scared and worry yourself to mental collapse due to irrational fear which is magnified many times over as you think and rethink about your actions and keep on thinking what if this happens when I did that, or will the virus infect me when I did the other action and so on.....

feel free to email me ([email protected]) if you need more info, as I have tonnes of them. I have lots of FAQs and keep on reading and finding info because I am sexually active and go for pros. The first time is always the hardest.

10-07-2005, 11:55 PM
bro, you need to stop scaring yourself with irrational fear which can be blown out of proportion if you keep imagining things at this stage. The risk is less than 0.1% if you use a condom properly. (And the risk is there only if the girl you were playing is HIV positive to start with)

Right now, do not keep replaying the scene where you did might be infected from what you may/may not did. Such as, what if the virus get into me when I was fingering her through a small at the side of my nail? what if I have a wound at the base of my shaft where it is not covered by the condom?

All the questions above will seem like real if you keep replaying the whole thing in your mind. STOP IT right now if you do because it will consume your rational thought and cause much mental anguish. You can read up more on HIV and being informed will make you feel more in control.

11-07-2005, 05:47 PM
Thanks Bro...Yr advice was enlightening and effective.

I guess the only thing on my mind is that should i really be that suay...then my life is a gonna. I only pray now that everyting turns out fine. :(

11-07-2005, 08:11 PM
Thanks Bro...Yr advice was enlightening and effective.

Take it easy. Your mindless sufferring is your own perception of event.

Welcum u r a commercial sex initiate.