View Full Version : Dissenting Views in SBF

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01-06-2013, 04:30 PM
An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:

I an really surprised by the intolerance shown in this forum by the majority when minority views are presented. Its is really sad that we have come to this. Let me cite 3 recent cases to which many of us have contributed views.

1. The Sun Ho thread is a fine example where Sam is clearly in the minority but hateful posts are beyond belief. I use to hate Sun Ho and Kong Kee to the core but I did not join in to rubbish the thread but overtime I have become a believer in both her beauty and her contribution to mankind. I now listen to her music when I take a bath. I no longer equate her to a horse. i also belief that Kong Hee has been framed. I have to thank Sam for bringing knowledge and I am now better informed.

2. SDP bashing - this has to stop. In 1996, when he lost his pants his supporters believed that Singaporeans are dumb and that Chee was ahead of his time i disagreed. I now see this being the case. The point that many in this forum fail to appreciate is that they are indeed right all along. Just because we can't comprehend does not mean we are right and he is wrong. He might be politically ineffective, hopeless and directionless but one misses the point completely. You do not form or join a political party to get elected or enter parliament. The concept of being a representative of the people is also old school. I have no idea what he is doing but lets give him the space. Lets face it, he has been a well known head of a political party for 21 years with nothing but sheer power to show for it. No harm waiting another 21 years. So lets stop bashing the minority views.

3. Todd / Tey cases and the courts - this is clearly a case of a tiny minority fighting a rearguard battle against common sense and logic. But is there a need to ignore their views. Step back and think. Todd's mother is a Christian pastor and you cannot find a more honest individual than a person of the cloth. The father is an airline pilot, another well respected and honourable profession. These two people have made claims. Are you really going to ignore the views of a Christian pastor and an Airline pilot. Come on.

So lets all of us step back and give the minority views some space and respect. Take my position as a well respected and highly valued member of this forum known for my honesty, gentlemanly conduct and intelligence. If I can see Sun Ho in a new light, give Chee another 21 years and believe in space ships landing in Montana, I cannot see why others can't do the same.

Click here to view the whole thread at www.sammyboy.com (http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?153445-Dissenting-Views-in-SBF&goto=newpost).