View Full Version : ZhengZhou Henan 河南郑州 info:
26-02-2011, 09:43 PM
I decided to start this Zhengzhou thread as I might be going there often and also provide information for bro to shares:
I was there last Friday and stay in 郑东新区. This is a new CBD created 5 years ago. Went to stay in 中油花园酒店 which is suppose to be 5 star. It terms of hardware, it is but not the software part.
Local host brought me to 万花楼 for KTV session. This joint is suppose to be one of the top club in Zhengzhou. The location is in the new CDB and perhaps most cab drivers should know.
Decoration is gold glitters... good sound system. Mid size room charge is Rmb 1100. Gals are above average and tips is Rmb 400 (very high in Zhengzhou.) Can ask mamasan to arrange tabao but I was tired and not interested so don't know that is the damage.
After the KTV session, we went to club at 金水路. There are quiet a few clubs there and we went to Club 88. We arrived at midnight and the place is packed. Lots of hot babes...
07-03-2011, 01:03 AM
I decided to start this Zhengzhou thread as I might be going there often and also provide information for bro to shares:
I was there last Friday and stay in 郑东新区. This is a new CBD created 5 years ago. Went to stay in 中油花园酒店 which is suppose to be 5 star. It terms of hardware, it is but not the software part.
Local host brought me to 万花楼 for KTV session. This joint is suppose to be one of the top club in Zhengzhou. The location is in the new CDB and perhaps most cab drivers should know.
Decoration is gold glitters... good sound system. Mid size room charge is Rmb 1100. Gals are above average and tips is Rmb 400 (very high in Zhengzhou.) Can ask mamasan to arrange tabao but I was tired and not interested so don't know that is the damage.
After the KTV session, we went to club at 金水路. There are quiet a few clubs there and we went to Club 88. We arrived at midnight and the place is packed. Lots of hot babes...
hi bro Pink_Flyod, thanks for the info..been to Zhengzhou 3 times last yr, never been to the KTV,
may i ask, for the club88, is the gals for pickup? or a local teens joint?
i may go there either MAR or APR..u there too?:D
09-03-2011, 12:13 PM
Club 88 is a disco joint frequented by local and there are hot babes... whether you can pick up gals or not, it depends on your skill... those babes are definetly not WL or FL...
30-04-2011, 10:01 AM
Club 88 is a disco joint frequented by local and there are hot babes... whether you can pick up gals or not, it depends on your skill... those babes are definetly not WL or FL...
I am under the impression that ZZ or rather Henan girls are amongst the better looking ones in China. Is it true?
I can't wait for my ZZ trip this coming week during 5/1 holidays! Actually the main aim is to visit Shaolin Monastery, but with the side aim of checking the scene out!
01-05-2011, 01:52 PM
On average, they are chio and I think also easy to sian as well... Good Luck Sinseh. BTW, the Shaolin temple is a bit of turn off... it is much smaller than we imagine or seen in the movie set.
01-05-2011, 03:20 PM
On average, they are chio and I think also easy to sian as well... Good Luck Sinseh. BTW, the Shaolin temple is a bit of turn off... it is much smaller than we imagine or seen in the movie set.
Thanks big bro. I am going to get a KC to bring me over there. I think she's native Henan. But I am looking forward to the night I am alone. I heard alot about the discos over there from my customers in China. Heee...heee....
I will be staying at Sofitel at 金水路, I think that's the correct place to be at.... hee hee....
Previously, I tio poison by a Henan MM in Shanghai. Now, I am diving right into the poison well, should be fun!
01-05-2011, 09:06 PM
There are a bunch of Disco in the JinShui road... Bring your MM to Disco lah and also ask her to bring her friends.... you might be able to get gals easily like that...
04-06-2011, 09:27 AM
I am also going there 3 weeks time for holiday..alone..found some number from Baidu for action. was thinking of getting a local MM as full guide , if cannot will PM you for action.
JJ yang
05-06-2011, 02:17 AM
PinkFloyd bro....
pls dont forget to visit the Shaolin temple and KaiFeng to say hi to Lau Bao. I was there last year and even went to Luo Yang....
09-06-2011, 12:07 AM
found this sites on Zheng Zhou Night life..
11-06-2011, 05:48 PM
Hi Bro,
anyone looking for cheongster kaki , count me in
[email protected]
12-06-2011, 11:14 AM
How is the weather over there now and next 2 weeks ? seem to be quite hot above 33C.
12-06-2011, 07:30 PM
pretty hot these days..summer time...33 to 39C daily...& very dry. U will sweat but will quickly dry up as well...will not feel sticky but can be dry on eyes,nose..
Any other updates from the cheongsters in this region? Other than KTVs...wat about any HC or hotels with FJ service?
10-07-2011, 08:27 AM
will be arriving in 2 hrs time......may visit jinshui tonight
10-07-2011, 08:52 AM
hey bros,
i did research before on zhengzhou as it was on my list of china cities to visit..
base on the research 2 yrs back, i understand that finding gals at ktv is not cheap, but gg to sauna is very cheap and affordable there... full package including room is less than 200rmb most of the time. of cos no DG full service, but bbbj, fj tits fuck, ar is included which is enuff to make me a happy man. most ppl will try double fly there as well...
met a few zhengzhou gals before in other cities, so far i wont say they have lots of chiobus, but i do catch a gem from there before...fuck one damn hot one in zhuhai, great boobs, nice face...
somehow the henan gals got a certain look ah...dunno y...
10-07-2011, 09:02 AM
oh...haha..i found my research file.
any bros who need it can pm with their email address, will email to u..
disclaimer: this research was done 2-3 yrs back, n i have never tried them before, so no guarantee...
would appreciate if you give some FR after u try...
the research report will come sth like that..
【小姐数量】:目睹到七人& f6 G) K4 E& n9 f+ i& }' d9 q
【价格一览】:200特服 " s$ i" H9 c5 [6 u: ~- C- b
【安全评估】:很高* _% [3 s; ]/ |! c& |& _4 i
【重点推荐】:52号河南周口漂亮: s7 d9 S" V) s# m6 A7 |
【采花细节】:今天是周日,也是入冬来最冷的一天,和朋友一起吃过午饭,大家商量着去个暖和地方,就近来到 位于信息学院路的郑州天澜泉水疗馆(东风路文化路口向西1公里向北口味工厂院内)) b& e k4 I2 ~$ G: ] g
这是一个比较大的场子,也许今天天冷,洗澡的人很多,大部分是一家子老少来洗的,这不禁让我想起了若干年前 ,家里条件不好,逢周六周日一家人都要安排一个下午专门去洗澡,也令我想到,这个场子表面上看安全系数很好 ,是老百姓的认可的洗浴之地,这样的地方相对很安全吧。再看浴资,大厅20 搓背10 包间六小时100,另外是中华一尊,二尊,三尊,等等花哨词汇。* z$ C' R2 x$ W( W* L% F
这里的包间很高档,门锁是电子磁吸式的,很安全。浴场比较高档,圆型的大池,很欧典,简略洗毕,由服务生带 领来到三楼。这里并不像其它场所把炮房隐藏在地下或是安装防盗门,这里就是和其它房间一样的门,并不要密码 或暗语,服务生直接开门进入,看来这么大的场子一定有很牢固的靠山。
进门后马上右手就是一个大玻璃房,里面很大,环绕着沙发,但是只有六个小姐,眼睛溜了两圈没有我满意的,两 个朋友一个叫了一样,我说还有没有了,话音没落里面便传来了脚步声,一女送客出。此女令我眼睛一亮,漂亮的 脸庞,中等个头,淡妆不妖艳,细眉圆眼,手挽着那位客人,像一位非常居内的姑娘,如果能盘起头发就像皇庭大 内的格格,一时让我马上决定,就她了,她就是52号,河南周口人,向大家重点推荐。( o1 g4 x3 z% i
进入炮房,也是四面镜子,上面有杠子和红绸可以做上花轿。52号可能不善言语进来就脱衣服,我没话找话的说 ,怎么消费啊,52号声音略带沙哑,小声的说,就是全套嘛。看到她还点害羞,每家浴所的全套项目都大同小异 ,相同的地方大概都有漫游、胸推、冰火、地中海、沙漠风暴,做爱等,这里没有沙漠风暴,有特色的有两处,下 面细述一下,第一是地中海,52号的服务小提篮里有几粒玉米糖,我猜就知道不是她吃的,果然,是做地中海时 用的,具体做法是用嘴先唅着玉米糖,因为此糖是玉米形妆的,上细下宽,不知道朋友们有没有痔,反正我是有但 不严重,偶尔也会用三九痔康栓,这玉米糖的造型就像那庤康栓一样,呵呵,反正老子是用过,也知道是什么感觉 ,但不同的是,以前是自己用手往里面硬塞药,今天是52号用含在嘴里面的玉米糖,用舌头硬很里面顶,52号 不时的还发出哼哼声,哈哈,我不上你当,便跟她玩起来,她本想一下子就顶进去,我偏偏不配合,反复几次,5 2号发现是我做怪,便生气不做了,哈哈,我就求她说我配合你好吧,谁知道她更坏,把糖顶进去不吸了,让在里 面化掉,说糖已经被她吮的很小了,一会就化在里面了,吸不出来,骂骂的,害得老子后来多放好多 屁。% T8 W) J0 V, w d+ m
- E4 m, f' `( N2 j
第二是漫游,先说一下其它地方的漫游就是小姐用口含一口水,唏唏流流的把你身上走一便就算完了,这里除了走 一便之外再加一下“吸皮”(自创的一个词汇,不知道怎么表达了),通俗的白话表一表:这项活只能在背上做, 小姐从腰部用嘴把皮吸起来,吸紧在嘴里,之后猛一下子,把嘴向上移,口中吸起皮的部位也从腰间移置肩头。就 像是从腰部到肩部所有的皮被吸起来一样,反复几次,换不同的位置,真还感觉不错。刚开始我从来没做过,52 号吸皮吸不起来,吸一下就松开了,好像压力不够,后来她让我放松,这样一来,做成功了,她反复给我来了十几 下。我让52号从腹到胸也这样做,她说做不来,前来的脂肪太厚太软,做不来。
9 x* q. ^" r. V8 D# f4 v5 G" | ~
和小姐做爱的时候,我们河南小姐有河南小姐特有的中原特色,自爽自愉,含笑而不狂野,自有独醉春风的感觉, 这种感觉很独特像一剂良药服下,感觉五脏六腑无比顺畅,也许用另一种方式来总结一下:52号,一个最不像小 姐的小姐。一泻如注之后我和52号聊天,问她的收入和分配问题,和其它地方一样,她的收入一半要交给老板, 企图想约她出来一夜情,告诉她这样可以她很到所有的收入,不再上交给老板,她拒绝了,问她要电话和网上联系 方式她也拒绝了,她说出来不安全,她宁可少收入一半也要安全。
【不足之处】:可能是生疏造成的不细致# W9 I! h" ^! T) L* H- | x$ U$ R7 n
15-07-2011, 05:30 PM
last minute i was stuck in 新乡 over the weekend, so thinking to visit 郑州 on sat and sun.
any bro kind share with me where i can stay and where i can find good and nice pubs....
31-07-2011, 11:25 PM
does any one know where i can find a good spa in zhengzhou?
01-08-2011, 09:59 AM
Been in ZZ several times but all quite shot, also not familiar. next time will pay visit to the KTVs there.
Thanks for the sharing bro:D
03-08-2011, 04:46 PM
I am in ZZ now...any bros want to hang out tonight??
22-08-2011, 03:42 AM
Please share Zheng Zhou info , thank you !
[email protected]
22-08-2011, 10:07 AM
Hi All
i also will be at this area by this year end ,would like to know more info about there and join you all for fun
15-12-2011, 11:35 PM
In ZZ now. Bros, any good sauna/spa to recommend? Thx
13-05-2012, 02:22 PM
Was in Zhongzhou International Hotel. Full service avaliable from hotel massage shop via room service. Asked for RMB800 and nego down to RMB400. Was told there are Vodka avaliable for RMB600 and above. ;)
03-07-2012, 10:07 AM
Any Samster in ZhengZhou Henan now? I will be here for the nxt two weeks, anybody like to meet up in a unfamiliar place to explore.
05-07-2012, 09:06 PM
i think that was last year, i was in city of zhengzhou. search a hotel in ctrip and end up staying in a suana hotel.
hotel is cheap, 200-300rmb.. then i call to arrange the massage ger. quite pretty but too bad no provide fj. anyway manage to persude her to provide bj by extend one more session.
spend around less than 400rmb but she provide 2 ticky massage and 2 hj.
when check out, they bill eveything under one fabiao.....
if im not wrong, the suana hotel name is like water world or something like that.
the ger is poly student at 21yrs old . pretty and shy type. :D
02-04-2016, 12:54 AM
Would like to contribute to this particular thread since I just came back from Zhengzhou...
Disclaimer: What I describe is based on my experience. Your experience may differ
Having been deployed to Zhengzhou for a business trip (3 days in total), I thought I just read up abit in case I would like to have some fun:
1) If you are searching for SPAs that will give happy ending, I would say... forget it. I have used both English as well as chinese to search. Although there are some SPAs listed, the info is probably outdated. Besides, what I found out is the location of a SPA for the same name (i.e. ABC Spa) is different if you were to type search on google or on baidu... I spent 5-6 hours roaming the streets of ZZ.. both by foot, taxi and motocycle...
2) There are FJ available. I spoke with a taxi uncle and asked about massage and straight away he got what I meant. Thing is due to the gov crackdown, majority of these services are offered in hotels. The taxi uncle drove me to a couple of such hotels. Ended up trying one of them (which I regretted... not sure if the taxi guy gets a commission though... will explain more)
3) The post on massages in Crowne Plaza and Sofitel - IT IS CLOSED
4) Now about the experience which I regretted. These so called SPAs are based in hotels, they basically have a guys stationed at the entrance of the hotels (more of to screen people and alert their bosses in case sense the person is a police). Most of the time such hotels are quite ulu, meaning they are not located anywhere near a metro station. My taxi guy drove me to one of these hotels, and he explained to the guy stationed outside the hotel that I am looking for a girl.... The guy walked me to a particular lift and to a particular floor...
So there, there is the OKT, where he explained the following prices:
Basic FJ for 20min : 600rmb (no kisses, just fuck, BBBJ and go)
Top ups: Girl to wear lingerie - plus 200rmb, better service - plus 200rmb (whatever the hell that means.. I am not ready to part 800 rmb in total for a 20min FJ..)
So there you have it.. I guess it also partly explains why so many China girls in Dome 2 would double book for $100 (about 500rmb). I think their experience in China made them think this way.
Overall, I would rather go have a drink or two, an come back to Singapore to play.
P.S. I didn't explore the KTV scene as I def know it is more expensive, and besides, I was alone in ZZ.. I don't think anyone walks into a KTV alone?
Hope this would help fellow bros out there
17-05-2017, 03:35 AM
going Zhengzhou soon, any new info or okt :>
Thanks all :)
21-05-2017, 11:13 PM
any bros in zz now ?
22-05-2017, 02:12 AM
going Zhengzhou soon, any new info or okt :>
Thanks all :)
Like I mentioned earlier, it is pretty hard to get some actions in ZZ. Unless the place where you are staying has several spas. Most of them have some form of lookout at the lobby.
Other than that, you may be better off asking the hotel reception or the taxi dude
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