View Full Version : Malaysia Casanova Case

12-07-2010, 10:11 AM
Hey bros,

Did you'll read about the Malaysian Casanova news?

Excerpt below:

Kuala Lumpur, July 10 (ANI): Casanovas are spiking women's drinks with a stimulant, used to encourage pigs to breed, in a bid to "arouse" them for sex, a Malaysian daily has reported.

I wonder what is that stimulant?

12-07-2010, 11:52 AM
dun try or think abt it, it is meant for pigs (as u had mentioned above)

12-07-2010, 11:56 AM
I wonder if there are similar stimulants that would induce a woman to wanna have sex?

12-07-2010, 02:55 PM
I wonder if there are similar stimulants that would induce a woman to wanna have sex?

there r 3 types in the market..one is 'spanish fly' which is for human

the other 2 one meant for pigs n the other meant for horse works just as well for humans but don't know what is the side effects

got to know the boss of the company that produce the stimulants for horse n he swears by it..he took it himself n for his 22 year old wife too..(he's 71 years old)

he has 3 child now age 2,4 n 5:D

12-07-2010, 03:57 PM
So keng? Like that I also want to find...Got kangtao?

12-07-2010, 04:25 PM
got to know the boss of the company that produce the stimulants for horse n he swears by it..he took it himself n for his 22 year old wife too..(he's 71 years old)

he has 3 child now age 2,4 n 5:D

Hope the kids don't look like pigs... :D

15-07-2010, 04:29 PM
Hope the kids don't look like pigs... :D

Didn't get to see the kids..more likely to look like a horse:p

So keng? Like that I also want to find...Got kangtao?

he offered some for me but I didn't accept..now no contact liow:(

15-07-2010, 05:52 PM
So keng? Like that I also want to find...Got kangtao?

maybe can try from here ?


its by a local seller..i have not tried it yet but intending too

18-07-2010, 04:28 PM


  马来西亚媒体日前报道,一伙专门诱奸女性的不法分子在夜店寻找猎物,将猪农用来促使猪只交配的性兴奋剂 ,神不知鬼不觉地掺入饮料,使女性喝下后产生强烈性需求,沦为供他们享乐的“性奴”。


  据了解,这种催情剂药效强大,女性一服下就会即刻产生强烈性需要,愿意向任何男人献身,有些甚至因此染 上性瘾。目前有至少5名女性因性瘾而进康复中心。

  中心负责人帕迪说:“这些女性都因为喝了掺药的盒装饮料后变得性欲高涨,情不自禁和男人连续做爱数小时 ,从此欲罢不能。据我所知,这种催情药主要是用来使猪只发情,顺利交配。”

  他告诫:“很多女性以为盒装饮料很安全,因为是密封的,但事实证明,不法之徒也可以在上面 动手脚。”

  这不是马国不法分子第一次利用动物催情药诱奸女性。多年前,他们也曾将马匹交配的“马水”当春药卖,女 性服下一分钟内便会产生极度欲念,行为变得淫荡,主动要求与男性交欢。




  樟宜兽医诊所一名兽医说:“本地兽医一般只治疗猫狗的疾病,很少提供促进交配的服务。因为没有市场,所 以市面上看不到这种药物。”



  有网友在看了马国报道后说:“这种春药可能已进入本地,女生今后到酒吧喝酒可要小心,别随便接受陌生人 的饮料,即使看起来包装完好。”

18-07-2010, 04:53 PM
Funny that usage of stimulant should in anyway be related to number of children. My father sired five children and he doesnt need any stimulant. :D

In other news:

Spanish fly, or cantharides as it is sometimes called, is often given to farm animals to incite them to mate (Oink, moo, baa, etc?)

The cantharides excreted in the urine irritate the urethral passages, causing inflammation in the genitals and subsequent priapism (In simpler language - cock stand too long later cock maybe never stand again)

If you stil want to try True Spanish Fly:
It is dangerous since the amount required is minuscule and the difference between the effective dose and the harmful dose is quite narrow.
Cantharides cause painful urination, fever, and sometimes bloody discharge. They can cause permanent damage to the kidneys and genitals

This just in: Experts report that consumers consuming ordinary animal horn and tusk powder experienced a 500% increase in sexual stamina. :rolleyes:

18-07-2010, 09:17 PM
So what if you find out? Are you going to use it?

19-07-2010, 12:56 AM
This just in: Experts report that consumers consuming ordinary animal horn and tusk powder experienced a 500% increase in sexual stamina. :rolleyes:

no wonder those japanese in Japan is willing to pay top dollars if anyone can get them Rhino horns:p

19-07-2010, 09:11 PM
best not to touch/rely on such stuff.