View Full Version : How is BS/IV KTV at Joo Chiat?

20-08-2009, 09:28 AM
Thinking of going there early due to ahem....
like 4.30 to 6pm.
Any girls at that time?
Any off peak rates?
Hope snr can advise.

Last tuesday saw a very fair syt (shld be prc) walking towards there.
Unfortunately cannot follow due to one way street wrong direction.
Either gone to above or the internet shoppe across the road.

Wearing like tube, white color, carrying a bottle of orange drink.
Very sweet, looks a bit scared not hostile, not friendly.

20-08-2009, 10:25 AM
Are you referring to GS ? BS at GL7

20-08-2009, 11:38 PM
Bro rayspore,

went IV recently, the place do not have many syts, mostly late 20 or early 30gals and playabilty low,Good point is quite budget drinking,
as for GM, did not try before, why not you try and give us some feedback. thanks.:)

21-08-2009, 01:51 AM
Went GS awhile back. Girls limited and quite old. GS drinks more expensive than IV. Playability extremely low.