View Full Version : GL 'mini Chinatown circuit' guide

14-08-2003, 11:21 PM
Here's a rough guide to GL mini Chinatown for 'Beginners & those Blurrr.' I'll start from L16 downwards...

L16 to L14 alley: Lots of them but mostly aunties of all shapes & sizes, maybe got a minority few ok lah. Of coz it's cheaper, $60 & below.

L14 to L12 alley[nearer to L14 side]: Usually a few, some young[about 6-7 gals] & few aunties hanging around. Hot buy, new stock, only few days old: Pure, fair, young lady always in RED with matching boots. Easy to spot coz she's the only one in red. There's a tatoo on top of her neh. High hit rate, so sometimes must wait. Usually $80 & below.

L14 to L12 alley[somewhere near the bldg carpark exit]: There's a ang-mo looking chick[blonde hair but not sure if it's natural or dyed. Look very young. Quite popular but most of the time MIA coz not every nite she turn up.

L14 to L12 alley[nearer to L12 side] Nothing much to shout about for the few ladies.

L12[Indo Village] If u turn left & stroll along L12, u will be in Indo village. A whole lot of them on the right side, mostly young ones, some pretty, some ok, some u rather dun look. If u cross the rd[talma rd], the cheaper & Indo/Thai aunties are all there.

If u prefer 'mei mei' then dun turn left, go straight, cross the rd & u are in L12 to L10 alley:

L12 to L10 alley[nearer to L12 side] A number of them here, some quite ok or not bad, usually $80 & below. There's one lady in black, masked with lots of make-up...not too bad.

L12 to L10 alley[somewhere ctr], there's a few influx of Thais, some are of the pure, lighter skin varities.

L12 to L10 alley[nearer to L10 side] Two HOT 'Senorita' chicks, always near the corner. Blonde hair, quite young. One petite, the other with bigger ass...one will smile at u if u make eye contact. Pretty high hit rate..now u see them, next u dun, coz bizi spreading upstairs.

L10: Ok, time to turn left, follow the L10 rd, a few here & there on left & right side too. nothing of real interest. Again, there's another 2, sometimes 3 ang-mo hanging, actually usually sitting at LM HL[left side] but MIA most of the time. Even if u spot them, they dun seem interested to look at u, u have to approach them. A kind of take it or leave it.

Turn right when u hit the T-junction, u're on Talma rd. Walk straight down u've cum to 'Bermuda or Golden Triangle'.

Bermuda or Golden Triangle: Everything stand still..traffic, human..etc. Over here, u'll get loss....over their beauties. the prettiest are usually here...Expect to pay $100 there about, the hot one, usually 'NOT NEGOTIABLE'. There's 3 sides, namely: HS HL; D HL; 81 HL.

HS HL: A few pretty chicks. There's one in white, very tall[about 1.7m] sophisticated look, dun smile much. White dress translucent, so can see wearing g's sometime. Always nearer to the carpark side. No bargain coz quite popular. She won't approach u. There's another one, quite tall & not petite, usually in black, got tatoo on back...very nice big ass. Always near the entrance...not bad too.

81 HL: Nowadays, seems to shrink, not much left..only handful of 2 to 4 chicks...Look..qiute ok..

D HL: A lot of them...mostly pretty or presentable looking. U got 'Ann kok lookalike' but she seems to be missing , maybe gone back. U got 'nurse dressing lookalike'. U got 'Japanese leg-warmer lookalike' U got light blue or green dress, always w/o bra & panties. & a whole lot more...

O HL[behind triangle]:Dun stop, cut thru D HL & it will lead u to another HL, namely O HL, where there are another 4 to 6 of them hanging or walking up & down...most of them here will approch u

That's all folks, to the main concentration of mini CT. If u're interested in Indian, go to L18 to 20 alley, where 'Little India' is!

Of coz there's still bit's & pcs of multi-racial ones scattered all over the GL LLLLLLL's...If it's still not enufff, pop by L18 & look-see the Thai 'fish-tank' style, lots of them to ccccccc. $40 standard

Durations: Above all, most of them are usually about 15 to 30 mins. 45 to 60 mins if u're very lucky, regulars or they know u are a robert!

Best time to go: 6.30 onwards if u want it 'FRESH' but alot still not there yet. Fullforce only by 7.30 pm. If u want 'Cheap', go after 1.00 or even 2 am, some[not all], of them will give u discount of 10 to 20 &/or waive rm charges...It's Your Choice!!!

U have been reading the 'GLN Live report' direct from........GL, where else!!! Further reports will be reported as & when. Good nite & happy bonking...at ur own risk! C u in GL..

*Notice: this thread was put in a new topic & not on the existing mei mei topic coz.....it's really difficult to read tht thread as there's way to many postings. Moreover, this news will be outdated in no time! U r more than welcomed to post any GL mei mei reports or ask anything but must be on 'mini chinatown topics' lah. Pls DO NOT post any 'IRRELEVANT' chit-chatting topics like your job, ur gf or whatever or hijack the whole thread, tht others will be wondering what are they reading....personal details?..jus kiddin..

GLN (y)

14-08-2003, 11:36 PM
Good effort bro, thou I cannot help but to intrude n ask u a question: Does it means other popular threads should discourage potential posters to post their bits if it get too long?? i.e; 150 FRs, cat40 FRs...?

Well, I'd rather u copy n paste this updated insight into the MMCI thread cos I forsee a premature death of this thread due to the taboo subject of FLs as in Mei Meis, unless Sam decides to be tolerant.

Well, I like ur description of Nurse n leg warmers...they've both been HIT by The Hustler... as for Ann... gee, with a turnover time rate of 10-15 minutes n heavy puntship.... it's a wonder if u'll ever catch sight of her.

The Hustler

15-08-2003, 02:21 AM
tat's a good summary, would be better if there are some recommendations like what Hustler did for his post, like service n friendliness :)

15-08-2003, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by The_Hustler
Good effort bro, thou I cannot help but to intrude n ask u a question: Does it means other popular threads should discourage potential posters to post their bits if it get too long?? i.e; 150 FRs, cat40 FRs...?

Ok...it's really a different comparison. Firstly, most of the stocks in 40/80/150 are there for mths or even yrs, whereas the MM stocks can hardly last 2 wks or 3.. Hence, they are still encouraged to post in the relevant thread so as it will not fade off. 2 mths down the rd, someone happened to read it, it's still relevant coz the stocks are still stationed there. Whereas the MM stocks have a very short shelf-span.

And another point, there are separate threads: one solely for FR[no chit-chating] & another one with all kinds of stuffs. So if u're interested only in the FR, it's really easy to read but if u compare it to MM stocks, it's really difficult to comprehend as there's only one thread with all kinds of post. U really have to filter like mad to get a report. A lot of them will jus give up after a while as at times, the loading time are pretty slow due to the heavy traffic. I'm sure u feel it too as u had also started a side-thread not too long ago. U did mention tht they deserved some kind of attn too..

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Well, I'd rather u copy n paste this updated insight into the MMCI thread cos I forsee a premature death of this thread due to the taboo subject of FLs as in Mei Meis, unless Sam decides to be tolerant.

If i have a choice, i wld rather have a similar style like those: 2 separate threads..one solely for FR plus Q pertainin to tht relevant stocks. Another thread for any chit-chatting combined, jus like the MM thread at the moment. As for premature death, depends. It won't if all of u start postin ur MM FR in this thread.

i feel it's appropriate coz the 1st topic shows & guide all others whats those short-form codes about. I mean if u follow the circuit, u will understand what's the code, it's not difficult. So if beginners kept asking this & tht, then they're not reading at all!!!

To be honest, we can't jus simply ignore the facts or what's happening in GL. Everybody knows it. It's virtually swarmed with honeys, so naturally, all the horny bees are attracted & sticking to it or rather, stickin into it :). This is unlike those FL craps that used to be common here before, where pple exchange HP's or post the stock's HP or pls email me, pm me kind of posting shit. This GL stuffs are different, in the sense tht....there's no need of exchanging of hp. We jus merely highlight tht those stocks are at so & so L, they gonna make their own trip to look-see for themsleves. What more they wanna do is up to them. We dun promote those stocks like those FL types[ something like pimp-style]. Of coz, final say, it will be up to Sam. And partially, it's also up to the moderators & ALL of u reading it, to support or reject, it's up to u.

Originally posted by The_Hustler
Well, I like ur description of Nurse n leg warmers...they've both been HIT by The Hustler... as for Ann... gee, with a turnover time rate of 10-15 minutes n heavy puntship.... it's a wonder if u'll ever catch sight of her.

U r a fast shooter! Leg warmers only started recently or maybe she only started to wear those stuff recently. As for 'Ann'... believed she had gone back or maybe got enuff, go off & go shoppin leow, coz she's not been seen for the past 2 nights...

C'mon....stop smokin & start spreadin, u playing time-delayed tactic?

15-08-2003, 05:11 AM
Originally posted by bang123
tat's a good summary, would be better if there are some recommendations like what Hustler did for his post, like service n friendliness :)

Thk u....there will be FR & regular updates 'Live' from GL, cumin soon.. & hopfully, u & whoever reading this.....field yours too...:)

15-08-2003, 08:35 AM
this kind of thing is a double edged sword , thank you for sharing the info but who knows who is browsing this site ? now AV knows where to look for them .

15-08-2003, 09:27 AM
L12 to L10 alley[nearer to L12 side] A number of them here, some quite ok or not bad, usually $80 & below. There's one lady in black, masked with lots of make-up...not too bad.
Her name is Liu Ying.
My FR on her already posted on MMCI thread.


15-08-2003, 09:36 AM
Thank you bros. Most informative.;)

15-08-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Shakyywayy

U r a fast shooter! Leg warmers only started recently or maybe she only started to wear those stuff recently. As for 'Ann'... believed she had gone back or maybe got enuff, go off & go shoppin leow, coz she's not been seen for the past 2 nights...

C'mon....stop smokin & start spreadin, u playing time-delayed tactic?

Well, some valid points u've brought up... if only we could do a FR thread on em Mei Meis but again...their life span's too short to warrant a dedicated thread.

Fast shooter??? Gee... of course lah, u know why paul Newman is called "fast Eddie"?? Kekeke....

Leg warmers was encouraged by me to wear em... cos of her 'fierce' looks... must soften the appearance package but honestly...she's a good lay.... with those waist chains...even nicer! Ann, yep...maybe last few days go shopping, maybe go 4 re-stamping of 2 weeks extension excercise... nonetheless... generally advise is to skip her.

Lightning Speed
The Hustler

15-08-2003, 04:59 PM
Efforts appreciated.


15-08-2003, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by factor-x
Efforts appreciated.

:) just 2 words? :confused:

15-08-2003, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by suckerll
just 2 words? :confused:


Didn't forget my punctuation mark.


17-08-2003, 01:33 PM
I was at the Talma Road Golden Triangle last nite.....Lots of PRC chicks there as mentioned in the starter thread.... was there from 1945 till 2100. The girls at Darlene and Happy Star had to take cover inside the hotel lobby area a couple of times cos a police car from the nearby police post was patrolling and it passed the Talma Road stretch a couple of times.

But I don't see why they have to be so afraid of these uniformed constables.....its not like lowly police officers from police posts have the means and authority to round them all up....thats the job of the ppl from the AVU rite? U see....here lies the distinctive feature of civil service bureaucracy....every civil servant has a different role to play and their duties seldom encroach onto one another. But I can be sure there might be a raid coming up soon if these so-called 'patrols' intensify....chances are these police post officers are not patrolling but rather making recce trips and identifying the potential 'hot-spots' before passing the info to the AVU.

17-08-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by NEO_hia_zang
I was at the Talma Road Golden Triangle last nite.....Lots of PRC chicks there as mentioned in the starter thread.... was there from 1945 till 2100. The girls at Darlene and Happy Star had to take cover inside the hotel lobby area a couple of times cos a police car from the nearby police post was patrolling and it passed the Talma Road stretch a couple of times.

But I don't see why they have to be so afraid of these uniformed constables.....its not like lowly police officers from police posts have the means and authority to round them all up....thats the job of the ppl from the AVU rite? U see....here lies the distinctive feature of civil service bureaucracy....every civil servant has a different role to play and their duties seldom encroach onto one another. But I can be sure there might be a raid coming up soon if these so-called 'patrols' intensify....chances are these police post officers are not patrolling but rather making recce trips and identifying the potential 'hot-spots' before passing the info to the AVU.

I was there also but from 3am to 4am... not much gals to see cos maybe rainy day. The police cars seem to be gal watching more than anything else to me...

21-10-2003, 06:32 AM
Pardon me, how long does a session with these girls last? I understand that Cat40 is about 20 minutes, Cat80 is about 30 and Cat150 is about 45. Can't find much info about these girls at Talma Road. Price is negotiable between the girls and us, right?Thanks.

26-10-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by Shakyywayy
Here's a rough guide to GL mini Chinatown for 'Beginners & those Blurrr.' I'll start from L16 downwards...

GLN (y)

Hi ! Brudder

How about doing one on the Indo town too..
